Grade Two

Second graders are preparing for their December holiday performance.

Quarter Two Objectives
  • create, notate, & perform rhythmic patterns
  • create, notate, & perform melodic patterns
  • make up a coda using voice or instruments
  • maintain a steady pulse while performing an ostinato using movement, speech, singing, or playing instruments
  • identify the xylophone, metallophone, & glockenspiel by sight and sound
  • demonstrate forte and piano
  • identify songs from Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker"

The Big Picture -Think about these questions:
  • How can I use my body to communicate what I know about music?
  • What affects the quality of a performance?
  • How are musical instruments like a box of crayons?
Big Ideas:
  • The human body is a musical instrument that can read and perform musical notation expressively.
  • Movement can communicate concepts, ideas, and feelings.
  • Body posture affects singing and playing.
  • Vibration of different objects produces different sounds or tone colors.
First Quarter Objectives:
  • demonstrate steady beat
  • create, perform, and notate rhythms
  • perform an ostinato
  • rate the quality of a performance
  • read, perform, and notate sol-mi patterns
  • demonstrate good pitch, posture, tone, and diction
  • demonstrate mallet technique
  • identify classroom percussion instruments
  • identify xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels as woods or metals

1.  Practice songs for the December holiday program.
2.  Identify the following instruments:

3. Watch this video to see how Bobbie McFerrin uses his
    body as a musical instrument.